TSFGE's Ursula
September 4, 2013
November 30, 2013

TSFGE's Ursula

Project info
Ursula Cardigan by Kate Davies Designs
Needles & yarn

Name TwistedSticherFGE
House Slytherin
OWL Option Transfiguration, Option 2

Professors, it is with much excitement that I enter into this term’s advanced studies classroom. The seeds for this proposal were planted back in my early days as a First Year at Hogwarts when I got my first fleeces back from the processor. Around the same time I bought my copy of Kate Davies’ Colours of Shetland (I have both the print and digital versions of the book) and an idea was born- I wanted to spin the yarn to knit the cardigan that would become a Transfiguration OWL some day. I’ve been spinning the yarn for various classes and even part of my OWL from last term since I was a wee 2nd year student. I’ve spent time in the postions lab, too, practicing my dying skills, all in preparation for this moment… In this, my Fourth Year, I propose turning approximately 2800 yards of my homespun into the Ursula cardigan which I hope to wear with much pride come the pending Season of Doom.

Points of Consideration:
This will be my first venture into a Fair Isle sweater. I’ve knit mittens and hats using the technique but never a full sized adult garment. In addition, my track record with sweaters is not great. I think I have frogged as many as I’ve gone on to wear. I’m a little scared as the pattern itself acknowledges the importance of achieving gauge in order to have a properly fitting garment in the end but what can I say, I love a challenge. There may be a bit of math involved in this part as my gauge is measuring right between the requirements for 2 sizes! My plan is to knit an extra 12 stitch repeat into the pattern to correct for my slight difference in gauge. Finally- the steek. I have successfully demonstrated ability in this area on one full sized knit and two swatches to date but I still find the process completely and utterly terrifying. I feel I am “upping the ante” with this project as not only am I cutting my knitting apart, it is yarn that I’ve spent many many hours spinning which somehow makes it seem even scarier! But the point of my time at Hogwarts is to get out of my comfort zone and stretch my skills so I figure there’s no time like the present to take that leap.

Proposed 50% Mark: I would like to have the body of the sweater completed and ready to steek by the end of October. As the sleeves do not involve colorwork I don’t expect them to take as long as the body of the sweater and the armhole steeks will be good practice for the center steek I think!

Photos of Supplies and Swatch:

The swatch: Measuring 29 stitches per 4” and 32 rows per 4” so I’ll be mathing. An extra pattern repeat will make up the stitch gauge and I’ll use actual measurements for the row gauge. This is the third swatch with three different sized needles and only reasonable option out of the three (at a size 2 my stitch gauge was FAR short, at a size 0 it was insanely over, size 1 will have to do!)
TSFGEs Ursula

The main color: I have slightly less than 2000 yards of the main color spun and ready to knit
TSFGEs Ursula

The contrast colors: Approximately 300 yards each of Navy, Cranberry and Not-Green spun & dyed.
TSFGEs Ursula

The Emergency fluff: I still have 4+lbs of the same gray Shetland fiber available in the event I run short. As each of my contrast colors were dyed with straight color dyes after spinning them, I am able to dye additional yardage of each, also.
Toby-2 also.

Progress Reports

  1. Cast on 9/4/13
  2. Ribbing & First Color Repeat Finished 9/17/13
viewed 159 times
September 4, 2013
November 30, 2013
About this pattern
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  • Project created: August 26, 2013
  • Finished: November 30, 2013
  • Updated: December 3, 2015
  • Progress updates: 2 updates