on the beach
June 14, 2013
August 14, 2013

on the beach

Project info
on the beach by Isabell Kraemer
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
1,890 yards = 2.16 skeins
Wandering Wool Jaipur Lace
0.14 skeins = 122.5 yards (112.0 meters), 14 grams
Wandering Wool
Wandering Wool Jaipur Lace
0.35 skeins = 306.3 yards (280.0 meters), 35 grams
Wandering Wool
Wandering Wool Jaipur Lace
0.49 skeins = 428.8 yards (392.0 meters), 49 grams
Wandering Wool
Wandering Wool Jaipur Lace
0.52 skeins = 455.0 yards (416.1 meters), 52 grams
Wandering Wool
Wandering Wool Jaipur Lace
0.66 skeins = 577.5 yards (528.1 meters), 66 grams
Wandering Wool

8/14: Done! Just needs photos.

Going to try for a gradient look using five colors of lace weight held double. I got a gauge of 20 sts/4” on a washed and blocked swatch on what I think were #6s (note to self: if you are going to be organized enough to block your swatch, write down all the info!). I’m going to try it on #8s and hope I get close to 18 sts/4”. The swatch has a ton of stretch, so I think I’ll have some leeway. Making size M (37 5/8”).

Plus, did I say I love the name of this pattern? It just makes me want to knit it.

Number of stripes: 9 (18 rows per stripe instead of 20 for the body).

I knit the sleeves without any decreases and picked up an extra 3 sts per sleeve at the underarms because initially the sleeves were too tight. I knit 20 rows per stripe on the sleeves instead of 18 rows.

viewed 304 times | helped 2 people
June 14, 2013
August 14, 2013
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Wandering Wool
100% Merino
875 yards / 100 grams

55 projects

stashed 82 times

WanderingWool's star rating
  • Project created: June 14, 2013
  • Finished: August 22, 2013
  • Updated: February 18, 2018
  • Progress updates: 4 updates