Keltisch nochmal unterwegs
April 29, 2017
no date set

Keltisch nochmal unterwegs

Project info
Celtic Myths Fingering by Asita Krebs
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
HEA Thick Yarn for the Haapsalu Shawl 15/2
1640 yards in stash
Jeans Blue
Mardilaat. Tallinn
November 11, 2016

Ein Projekt für zwischendurch, für die Reise, für das Warten backstage, wenn der Gatte Soundcheck hat, für längere Autofahrten…

das Garn ist sehr sehr fein, mal sehen wie die Musterborte wird.. aber bis dahin ist noch einiges zu stricken

A project for inbetween, travelling and backstage-waiting during husband’s soundcheck

the yarn is wonderful, soft, fine, I am curious how the edge will come out


I was not satisfied to knit the same pattern again and again and wanted to use the yarn for another pattern…

so I frogged this project and started a new shawl with that nice wool.

I notice that this is the second project which I start in a hurry for a trip and which I frog because I decide too fast or the yarn is not ok…
This time I started without the right idea which pattern I might knit.

In the meantime I have finished my travelling-knit-shawl with the Nootka Rose Lace Shawl pattern

viewed 33 times
April 29, 2017
no date set
About this pattern
1419 projects, in 3002 queues
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  • Project created: May 9, 2017
  • Frogged: July 29, 2017
  • Updated: June 29, 2019