dubultcimdi swatches
In progress
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work in progress

dubultcimdi swatches

Project info
Knit like a Latvian Forum
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
Klinta Wolle Nate Fingering
1378 yards in stash
Klinta Wolle Nate Fingering
3812 yards in stash

Swatch #1:
The first swatch is just done with some leftover yarn of unknown or forgotten origin. My aim was to knit the picot hem and exercise knitting two layers at once.
As you can see on the photo, the layers are not connected.

This swatch taught me that I should always use yarn with the same quality because otherwise the backside shines through!

Swatch #2:
the hem is done in 2 colours, whith a purl round as the edge, then some rounds and my first exercise to knit a pattern with this technique.

  • I have to be more attentive where the threads sit when knitting the back stitches, every mistake shows!
  • I purled the backstitches so they show as knit stitches at the innerside of the tube, with some more exercise this will be a nice result
  • I made a chart and marked the backstitches as purl stitches. The left part of the chart shows the “normal” polkadot pattern, for reference.
  • To be honest the chart confused me and suddenly I noticed that I did not look at it anymore, just knitted the front-stitch-polkadot in contrast colour and the back-stitch-polkadot in the opposite colour and that was easier


What I learned:

I am a tight knitter

  • this technique creates fabric which is too loose, because of the stitches on 2 layers; there is always a short thread between the stitches of one layer, which will, when finished, prolong the stitches, thus the tension is too loose

  • normally a cuff is knitted with smaller needles, but here I must knit the cuff, which will be folded before the double-knitting part starts, with bigger needles as usual once folded, the cuff and also the upper part of the project will be too narrow

  • I don’t need double lined mittens or mitts, it is not cold enough

So, I learned that this technique is not ‘mine’

viewed 46 times
In progress
no date set
work in progress
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Klinta Wolle
100% Wool
383 yards / 100 grams

361 projects

stashed 240 times

Wockensolle's star rating
  • Project created: February 12, 2021
  • In progress: February 12, 2021
  • Updated: March 2, 2021