Square Deal 1

Square Deal 1

Project info
Square Deal by Woolly Thoughts
Science Museum - London
100 cm (40")
Needles & yarn

I made this small enough to be mounted on a board and hung on the wall in my classroom. The pattern was written later and gives instructions for making it in a variety of sizes.

There are 21 different sized squares which fit together to make a large square. It can be made in a minimum of four colours. I chose to use many shades of blue to use up lots of oddments. It is a portable project because the squares are knitted individually.

It hung on my wall for a while and for part of that time the builders were in, making a lot of dust … then the Science Museum (London) asked to buy it. I think I must not have been as confident then about washing these modular things because I took it down and hoovered it before stuffing it into a plastic carrier bag to take it to London. It was all a bit embarrassing because, when I got it there, they took me to the conservation department where it was treated in a far more reverential manner.

Some time later I made another version to keep.

viewed 58 times
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  • Project created: December 15, 2013
  • Updated: December 15, 2013