Bunny Odile
November 4, 2023
November 17, 2023

Bunny Odile

Project info
Bunny Odile by Cinthia Vallet
Gifted to baby Bea. (Karen).
Needles & yarn
US 0 - 2.0 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
10 stitches and 14 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette
Jamieson & Smith Shetland Supreme Jumper Weight

I would say this is not a beginner pattern because there are a few tricky techniques, but a competent knitter should manage it without too much trouble.

I used the magic loop method and at several stages, I had two circular needles hanging on the work, whilst also using a cable needle (for the ear tip), so it was sometimes difficult to separate the working needle!

Head: Check the instructions to ensure you know how to ssp as it creates a neat and tight decrease. Also, pay attention to the turn at the end of needle one (if you are using magic loop), and try to snug it up because this point will be very visible on one side of the face.

I have a feeling that there may be a mistake on page 6, Round 1. It says there should be 32 stitches, but I think it should be 33 stitches. I’ll check when I make another bunny, but I knitted the head twice because I initially thought I’d made a mistake, but I think maybe it’s the pattern?

EDIT My confusion here comes from the fact that there are indeed 33 sts on this round, IF you count the yo on the needle as a stitch. This yo is consumed on the next round, back to 32 sts.

Ear: Pay attention to the ear instructions and add the marker indicating the inside of the ear. You’ll be thankful for it. The ear tips are challenging but very cleverly designed.

Don’t forget to stitch the top part of the ear to fold it, as this makes a big difference to how the ear looks and hangs.

I used safety eyes and backed them with a circle of felt so they wouldn’t pull through the knitting.

I stuffed the head (before moving onto the neck), and embroidered the face. I pulled all the yarn ends through the stuffing and tied them off, all together in the head. I think the head needs to be stuffed to help with mouth placement, but this was just my own personal choice.

No issues with the body. I did dangle my bunny in a bowl of yarn wash, (trying not to get her head too wet because I’d already stuffed that part), then I patted her with a towel and left her to dry. It was definitely worth doing, as it made the stitches look more even and neat.

Dress: I found the underarms of the dress quite a fiddle, but I might figure out a better method for me next time. I also knitted the bobble row twice, because my bobbles were too loose first time around. Blocked her dress.

EDIT re bobble row, on my second bunny dress, I did this:
As previously, I knitted the bobble row but decided my bobbles weren’t neat enough. I ripped back, and re knitted the bobble row on 2mm needles, plus the next row, picking up the strands as indicated by the pattern, then changed back to the 2.75mm, as stipulated by the pattern.

Yarn: I used 33g for the bunny. I think the pattern suggests you can make the bunny with a mini skein of 25g, but that wasn’t my experience.

Gifted to Bea, granddaughter of a friend, born October 2023.

Edit to add: I’ve removed the info about the colours I used for her dress, because I’m fed up (sorry!) with people moaning at me that they can’t get the same yarn (the blue is currently out of stock), can I get it for them, what alternatives do I suggest etc etc. Sorry again.x

viewed 351 times | helped 8 people
November 4, 2023
November 17, 2023
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Jamieson & Smith
100% Shetland
199 yards / 50 grams

2882 projects

stashed 3185 times

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  • Project created: November 6, 2023
  • Finished: November 18, 2023
  • Updated: February 25, 2024
  • Progress updates: 4 updates