June 2, 2013
June 4, 2013


Project info
Flavia by Beth Kling
HatBeret, Tam
Needles & yarn
US 0 - 2.0 mm
US 2½ - 3.0 mm

First of all I must say - what a great and well written pattern to knit it is. Thank you Beth very much!!!

I’ve made it with needle-less technique, and I can’t imagine how it can be done with cable needle.

The only difficult was to understand how to begin, after You get it - knitting is nothing more then just a simple pleasure.

The ribbing was made with 2,0 needle, and the body with 3,0, I was afraid that it might be to baggy when I do it exactly how the pattern calls for it, and I’m very pleased with the result. Fits perfect!

I’ve made also gloves with the same cable pattern which is here or on my blog

viewed 291 times
June 2, 2013
June 4, 2013
About this pattern
66 projects, in 276 queues
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  • Project created: June 6, 2013
  • Updated: June 6, 2013