Becky's Family's Stockings
December 5, 2013
December 6, 2013

Becky's Family's Stockings

Project info
Snowman Stocking by Mary Maxim
DecorativeChristmas Stocking
Stephen, Morgan, Archer, Elliott
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
0.92 skeins = 202.4 yards (185.1 meters), 92 grams

instead of setting up a separate project page for each stocking (the list doesn’t ever seem to end), I decided I should group them, by family at least.

My neice asked me to knit her husband and children stockings, as she has a Rudolph from years ago when all the kids (including mine) got knitted Mary Maxim Christmas stockings one year.

Cascade 220 in various colours. This is a great workhorse yarn and comes in the best Christmas Green and Christmas Red colours, as well as dozens of others.

Stephen gets Frosty.

Morgan gets a Christmas Tree.

Becky’s original stocking measurements:
Width at top: 6 inches
Top to bottom of heel: 15 inches
Top of heel to toe: 10 inches

Final measurements of Steve’s stocking are the same.

62 stitches - keep about 6 feet of tail to make a 3-inch 4-stitch icord for hanging the stocking
8 rows rib
2/7/2 name bar, then decrease 2 stitches, so pattern starts on 60 stitches.
64 rows pattern (cut off 6) or whatever is needed.
52 stitches going in to heel
18 rows over 13 stitches then turn, end up with 8
17/26/17 for gusset. Decrease to 10 outside of markers.
25 rows (not 23) then end up with 44 stitches
toe - k9 to start, end with 16 stitches to graft

finished stocking weighs about 92 grams, so uses approximately 200 yards

Morgan’s stocking is a bit longer, as I left too much room to lazy-daisy stitch the star above the tree, so hers has 66 rows of pattern. Duplicate stitched all the gold and silver in the tree, plus the blue. Only the red is knit-in. Also outlined some of the presents. I may do the next tree all in green and just duplicate everything.

New baby son Archer gets the gingerbread boy. Added 1 stitch on each side of the body so it is plumper.

  • 2/7/2 then start green on WS
  • 6 rows of candy canes - start from either side then row of green on bottom (8 rows cane band total)
  • 6 rows white then start pattern
  • buttons 2 st wide, with 2 rows between
  • 65 rows pattern

Note that Archer was originally knit as Asher, because I had written that down on this page as his name. OOPS! Good thing I found out before I mailed this off. As the child is several months old now, I don’t think his parents would entertain the idea of changing his name to match his stocking.

Newest baby Elliott will get the Christmas puppy.
blue rib and name
white foot
- 5 rows green then candycane stripe, then 5 rows green, then pattern, then 10 rows green at the end.

viewed 80 times
December 5, 2013
December 6, 2013
About this pattern
104 projects, in 29 queues
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
220 yards / 100 grams

192644 projects

stashed 105891 times

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  • Project created: December 1, 2013
  • Finished: December 7, 2013
  • Updated: December 2, 2017
  • Progress updates: 2 updates