Diana's Royals
July 1, 2011
July 9, 2011

Diana's Royals

Project info
Cable Look Socks by Anastacia Zittel
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
women's 10
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Debbie Macomber Blossom Street Collection Gerbera Solid
none left in stash
4 skeins = 372.0 yards (340.2 meters), 200 grams
Ben Franklin in Washington
June 2011

Changes to pattern:
I use magic loop, not dpns. I’m also working these two at a time per Liam Gat’s Two at a time videos.

This means I must convert the stitches from the instructions from the dpn single sock instructions to 2 at a time on a magic loop. (it comes out to 20 stitches per sock, per needle). When it comes to the heel, I put a marker 11 stitches in from each side and go from there.

This time I’m trying out different stitch variations. This one is using:
R1: K3, yo, k2tog
R2 and all even rows k
R3: K2, yo, k2tog, k1
R5: K2, yo, k2tog, k2
on the instep and then after the heel turn all the way around.

finished and blocked. was going to be for my sister but I found out the dear girl is the only one in the family with feet under a size 10 so they are all mine…lol

viewed 44 times
July 1, 2011
July 9, 2011
About this pattern
50 projects, in 87 queues
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About this yarn
by Debbie Macomber Blossom Street Collection
100% Wool
93 yards / 50 grams

103 projects

stashed 126 times

cnoto's star rating
  • Project created: June 22, 2011
  • Updated: July 26, 2011
  • Progress updates: 2 updates