Cuff to cuff, My first sweater
August 13, 2011
September 1, 2011

Cuff to cuff, My first sweater

Project info
Crayon Stripes by Susan Guagliumi
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
James C. Brett Marble Double Knitting
none left in stash
6 skeins = 1440.0 yards (1316.7 meters), 600 grams
Ben Franklin

08/13/11 - Decided to use up the Brett Marble I had already purchased for my first sweater. Because the stripes are subtle in this yarn, I thought this pattern would work nicely.

8/18/2011 - Kind of lost count of the sleeve increases, knitting in the car while on our road trip to CA, but ended with the correct number of stitches and the angle seems right. Keeping my fingers crossed.

08/19/2011 - It calls for adding on 60 stitches on either side of the sleeve. This seems short to me but I’m determined to stick with the pattern instructions before I start mucking around with it. We’ll see if it works for me.

08/27/2011 - Sweaters must look like big fiber lumps until quite a ways into the project. I finally decided to sew up one side and the one sleeve and add the ribbing to the neck before finishing the last shoulder sleeve. Now it looks like it’s going to be a sweater!

09/1/2011 - I’m so excited. I’ve sewn up the other side, tried it on and it fit! I’m now doing the ribbing on the bottom and then I’ll be done. This pattern is very forgiving. I lost count of the increases and decreases in the sleeves on numerous occasions and it still worked out just fine. As soon as I finish binding off the bottom ribbing, I’ll take a pic and post it.

09/2/2011 - Done. I love it. It’s too warm to wear it now but it almost makes me look forward to our Pacific Northwest winter.

viewed 227 times | helped 3 people
August 13, 2011
September 1, 2011
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by James C. Brett
100% Acrylic
241 yards / 100 grams

6781 projects

stashed 3312 times

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  • Project created: August 20, 2011
  • Updated: September 2, 2011
  • Progress updates: 4 updates