Jeanea's Whatever's Clean 13 Wardrobe
February 17, 2016
July 29, 2016

Jeanea's Whatever's Clean 13 Wardrobe

Project info
12" cloth doll
Needles & yarn

*** Update ***

To see larger photos of all the outfits I have currently put together for Jeanea with her Whatever’s Clean 13 wardrobe, check out her album on Flickr.

The Story

In March 2016 I came up with a wardrobe plan for one of my cloth dolls, a 12” doll named Jeanea. Since I love The Vivienne Files and all of her planning tools, I fooled around with the plan on the computer. The sixth photo shows the first draft using some of the doll’s clothes, and some pictures from Polyvore.

I also put together one of those possible outfit charts Janice from Vivienne Files is fond of, using the five tops and five bottoms from the plan. That’s the seventh pic. Theoretically with the three toppers that would make 100 different looks.

In April I joined an Instagram challenge called #the100dayproject. The idea was to do something creative each day for 100 days and take a photo to share with this hashtag. I decided to take a pic of my doll Jeanea wearing a different outfit each day. Hey, I had a handy dandy chart that said I would have 100 different outfits when I finished this wardrobe plan. Plus, I already had quite a few clothes she had “borrowed” from my other dolls that were either thrifted or made by me for those dolls.

I finished the challenge late in July with the eighth photo showing Jeanea and her now much larger wardrobe. This shows her entire wardrobe and not just the planned 13 pieces.

This was the caption that went with the photo:

100 days, 100 photos, 100 different outfits that consisted of: 46 garments, 2 belts, 4 hats, 4 necklaces, 3 purses, 8 pairs of shoes (gave one to Grandsweetie #3), and also a kitty, a doll and a sock monkey. On 48 of those days I also sewed, crocheted or knitted something, many of the things were for Jeanea.

Later I revisited the original plan and swapped out Jeanea’s actual garments. The only thing that I didn’t get made was the grey tank. I swapped out a light blue top that was a muslin for the sleeveless top pattern I made for her for the grey tank. This is the first photo. In the ninth photo I redid the 25 outfit combinations chart using her actual garments.

And then I subbed in the photos of the combinations that she actually wore for one of the daily photos.

Surprisingly, she only wore 15 of the possible outfit variations from this chart in her 100 different outfits. She did wear the garments from the planned wardrobe with lots of different clothes. Also, she has three denim skirts and a denim blue sweater skirt, so those got worn with the various tops from the plan one or two times each.

I didn’t consult this chart and mark off outfits worn during the challenge. I think I’ll try to do that in the next few weeks so I can say she has worn each outfit. Of course when you add the three outer garments, that would be 100 total outfits. I’m not crazy enough to try that. :)

What I did do, and just to prove how crazy I can be I’ll share, was add those outfits to charts. When I finished the three outer garment charts, I remembered that she had worn the light blue jersey top backwards as a vest. That added twenty more possible outfits. So from thirteen garments, I wound up with 120 outfits. Not bad.


And now several months later, I’m revisiting the project to have Jeanea wear all those possible outfits. I’m not doing it at the rate of one a day or anything, but when I get the notion, I change her into one of the outfits, take a pic and sub the pic into the appropriate chart. Occasionally I will substitute those charts for the ones I have here until they are either full of actual photos of the outfits on the doll, or I get totally bored with the project again.


My latest little bit of insanity with this wardrobe was to try out a sudoku wardrobe. It includes eight of the original garments, plus eight accessories. The idea is that you make outfits either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. This particular one also has blocks of four in each corner that work. It was harder than I thought it would be even with this whatever’s clean wardrobe.


Woot woot! I finished my project to complete Jeanea’s 25 possible outfit chart of outfits with the ten tops and bottoms from her 13 piece wardrobe. I guess I’ll keep plugging away on those other charts adding the jacket, cardigan and shrug.

viewed 116 times | helped 1 person
February 17, 2016
July 29, 2016
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: August 7, 2016
  • Finished: August 7, 2016
  • Updated: January 21, 2024