Commissioned man-sized glittens
September 28, 2014
October 25, 2014

Commissioned man-sized glittens

Project info
Big hands, CO 40
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Patons North America Classic Wool Worsted
2 skeins = 420.0 yards (384.0 meters), 200 grams

CO 40
25 rnds 2x2 ribbing

R1: (k1fb, k9) 4 times (44 stitches)
R2-5: k

Hand gusset:
R6: m1R, pm, k16, pm, m1L, k to end of round
R7: k
R8: k to 1 st before m, m1R, sm, k16, sm, m1L, k to end of round
R9: k
Repeat R8 and R9 7 more times, for a total of 9 inc stitches before first marker. (46 + 16 stitches total)

Next round: k9, remove marker, s16 onto waste yarn, remove marker, k to end of round. Mark this round for convenience, and pull tight to close hole at thumb. Shift stitches so start of row is at the start of needle, and arrange to get 23 stitches on both needles.
Continue knitting in the round for 15 rounds post-join, or 1.5-2” of length. Mark final round.

Index finger:
k6 stitches, then slip (6), (6), (10), (6), (6) stitches onto waste yarn scraps (1 per parenthetical stitch count). CO 4 stitches onto needle where yarn is live, then join in the round with the final 6 stitches on the second needle. k 14 rounds, or 1-1.5”, or to desired length. Bind off using a sewn bind off and weave in end.

Middle finger:
Pick up 6 stitches from waste yarn, knit these, CO4, pick up 6 stitches from back side waste yarn, knit them, and then pick up stitches along the bottom of the index finger. On second round, k2tog between fingers to leave a total of 16-18 stitches. K a total of 14 rounds, sewn bind off.

Ring finger:
As for middle finger

Pick up 10 stitches from waste yarn, dividing for magic loop at 5. Pick up along underside of ring finger and knit. K2tog between fingers for a total of 14-15 stitches. K 12 rounds total, then sewn bind off.

Pick up 16 stitches from waste yarn, dividing for magic loop. Pick up 1-2 stitches in thumb gap, being careful to pull on appropriate stitch (so as not to open a hole). K20 rounds total.
Decrease round 1: (k2tog, k1)* repeat all around.
K a round
Decrease round 2: k2tog all around
Break end, draw through loops twice.

Weave in ends.

Mitten Cap:
CO 25, work 3 rows 1x1 ribbing. Being careful to assign handed-ness, pick up 27 stitches from 10 rows before fingers. Work in the round, maintaining ribbing for an additional 2 rounds, until 15 rounds have been completed. Shift one of the 27 stitches to the other needle, 26 stitches on both needles. For decrease, work as a toe on a sock, using SSK on the first and k2tog on the last decrease of each needle. Stagger decreases as follows:
Decrease R1
K 2 rounds
Decrease R4
K 2 rounds
Decrease round 6
K 1 round
Continue alternating with a decrease round and a knit round until close to the end, then decrease every round and graft closed.

viewed 8 times | helped 2 people
September 28, 2014
October 25, 2014
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Patons North America
100% Wool
194 yards / 100 grams

107097 projects

stashed 48961 times

engiknits' star rating
  • Project created: September 29, 2014
  • Finished: October 25, 2014
  • Updated: February 27, 2015
  • Progress updates: 6 updates