Rainbow Blue
August 29, 2014
September 21, 2014

Rainbow Blue

Project info
Nymphalidea by Melinda VerMeer
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
1 skein
Twisted Sister
Ao Dai Li Si Chinese Mink Cashmere

Started pattern and realized about 1/3 of the way through my handspun that it was going to be very, very long.

I looked at kamidake’s Nymphalidea and decided to widen the short row lace sections as follows after about wedge 30:

Modified Wedge 1: k2, (yo, k2tog)x10, x9, x8. x7
Modified Wedge 2: k2, (yo, k2tog)x11, x10, x9, x8
Modified Wedge 3: k2, (yo, k2tog)x12, x11, x10, x9
Modified Wedge 4: k2, (yo, k2tog)x13, x12, x11, x10
Modified Wedge 5: k2, (yo, k2tog)x15, x14, x13, x12, x11
Modified Wedge 6: k2, (yo, k2tog)x17, x16, x15, x14, x13, x12
Modified Wedge 7: k2, (yo, k2tog)x22, x21, x20, x19, x18, x17, x16
Modified Wedge 8: k2, (yo, k2tog)x25, x24, x23, x22, x21, x20, x19, x18
Modified Wedge 9: k2, (yo, k2tog)x30, x29, x28, x27, x26, x25, x24, x23
Modified Wedge 10: k2, (yo, k2tog)x37, x36, x35, x34, x33, x32, x31, x30, x29
Modified Wedge 11: k2, (yo, k2tog)x44, x43, x42, x41, x40, x39, x38, x37, x36
Modified Wedge 12: k2, (yo, k2tog)x50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42
Modified Wedge 13: k2, (yo, k2tog)x56, x55, x54, x53, x52, x51, x50, x49, x48

I had to add at least enough yarnovers to account for the extra sts added to the bottom edge in the previous wedge. I originally thought I wanted to move the beginning of each wedge closer to the top edge but decided against it because it would have made the wedges too wide.

I finished it off per wendyknits i-cord edging: working 2 rows of the welt, picking up sts along the top edge and doing an i-cord bind-off all the way across the top and then binding off the sts at the welt. I also bound off an extra st before and after the ‘turn’ where the top ends and the last welt begins to ease up the bump.

I blocked it by pinning down the lace edging (bottom edge) first to create the shape and then pinned out the top to stretch out the shawl. It took some re-pinning as I went along to get this correct.

In retrospect, I would have started the wider wedges - longer short-row sections earlier.

viewed 486 times | helped 3 people
August 29, 2014
September 21, 2014
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Ao Dai Li Si
95% Mink, 5% Cashmere goat
332 yards / 50 grams

10 projects

stashed 14 times

ermabom's star rating
  • Project created: August 30, 2014
  • Finished: October 14, 2014
  • Updated: June 12, 2022