Companion Cowl
March 7, 2019
March 10, 2019

Companion Cowl

Project info
Shortcut Cowl by Stephanie Lotven
Neck / TorsoCowl
Needles & yarn
Spincycle Yarns Dyed in the Wool
none left in stash
2 skeins = 400.0 yards (365.8 meters)
StevenBe in Minneapolis, Minnesota

I knit the bulk of this over the course of a day and night because it was so addictive and fun!

I’m calling this the Companion Cowl because the Spincycle Heartsigh yarn that my partner Steve gifted me with reminds us both of a Companion Cube from the video game Portal. The yarn holds special meaning for both of us, and it makes this cowl even more amazing. I used two skeins and hoped their similar but different gradients would make for a decent fade. It turned out better than I had even imagined!

viewed 135 times
March 7, 2019
March 10, 2019
About this pattern
172 projects, in 192 queues
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About this yarn
by Spincycle Yarns
100% Wool
200 yards

25298 projects

stashed 28638 times

eventual's star rating
  • Project created: March 10, 2019
  • Finished: March 10, 2019
  • Updated: March 21, 2019