August 6, 2012
August 23, 2012


Project info
Elephant by Sarah Keen
Judah's Birthday
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Patons Australia Jet 12 Ply
4 skeins = 324.0 yards (296.3 meters), 200 grams
Spotlight Hobart

I knitted this in the round using Magic Loop. I knitted all the purl rounds except those that form the trunk.
I knit the base as the pattern says but to make an almost invisible transition between base and body - instead of binding off:
Knit across the 20 stitches the pattern says to bind off then pick up and knit 15 evenly spaced stitches down the side, 20 across the cast on stitches and 15 up the second side. Join in the round and continue pattern for body. (70 stitches)
I cut up some panty hose, added 80g of plastic weight beads and tied knots to secure before adding to base. (see photo)
Note: After casting off leave a really long tail to sew the head to the body.
I picked up stitches from the body and knitted the legs directly onto it using this video:
Hind Legs: After the final decrease row I knitted an extra row and then threaded yarn through the stitches to secure.
Forelegs: Instead of binding off:
Next row: (K2 tog) 8 times - 8 stitches.
Next row: Knit - then thread yarn through stitches to secure.
I used Judy’s Magic Cast On and then knit them in the round and used kitchener stitch to close them. It was easier to sew them to the body than to try to pick up stitches. (Believe me when I say I tried several times. The shaping of the ears makes it easier to decide where they go - after you’ve made them).
Important Each ear has 2 different sides so be sure to knit the first 16 stitches for Side 1 and then the second lot of 16 stitches as per Side 2. I lightly steam blocked the ears before sewing them on.
Knitted in the round. I stuffed it when I began the trunk, used 9mm safety eyes (I made several pairs of various sized “knotted” eyes as the pattern states but thought they looked too reptilian for an elephant. The knotted eyes would be brilliant in another pattern though). I used a chopstick to move the stuffing to where I wanted it. After sewing the head to the body I added extra stuffing through a small opening to lengthen the neck and stop the head from rolling about. The chopstick really came in handy here.
The cast on stitches become the section that is sewn to the head so leave an extra long tail to sew with.
Instead of binding off I threaded the yarn through the remaining 4 stitches twice. After I sewed them on I sewed the tusks to each other through the trunk to secure the yarn.

I hope you found these notes helpful:)

viewed 919 times | helped 42 people
August 6, 2012
August 23, 2012
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Patons Australia
70% Wool, 30% Alpaca
81 yards / 50 grams

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stashed 2316 times

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  • Project created: August 23, 2012
  • Finished: August 23, 2012
  • Updated: April 7, 2016