Lost in Time
In progress
September 10, 2018
work in progress

Lost in Time

Project info
Lost in Time by Johanna Lindahl
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Hooks & yarn


I just realized that this is literally a kilometer of yarn.

Like… you say “1100 yards” and it doesn’t really hit home for some reason, but “1 kilometer”… totally different.

…what have I gotten myself into?


Also… I am using my stitch markers for the first time in months… to keep the 3rd chain of my ch3 row starters easy to access.


Caught a mistake at row 4 and frogged back to the start of row 2. Read better! Gah!


Not sure whether I like the looseness of the stitches with a 4mm hook. Gonna work up a section with a 3.5mm tonight, see if it helps.


Nope, 4mm definitely feels better. The bigger it gets the less I mind the looseness of the DCs.

viewed 3 times
In progress
September 10, 2018
work in progress
About this pattern
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  • Project created: September 10, 2018
  • In progress: September 10, 2018
  • Updated: September 26, 2018