Neapolitan Ice Cream Serena Shadow Shawl
July 11, 2012
July 18, 2012

Neapolitan Ice Cream Serena Shadow Shawl

Project info
Serena Shadow Shawl by Antonia Shankland
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 11 - 8.0 mm
2 skeins
Macedo's Mini Acre Handspun Alpaca
Worsted (9 wpi)
1 skein = 90 grams
Milk Chocolate
Oakland Fiber & Textile Festival
July 2012
Macedo's Mini Acre Handspun Alpaca
Worsted (9 wpi)
1 skein = 135 grams
Vanilla Strawberry Orange Sherbet
Oakland Fiber & Textile Festival
July 2012

7/18: Ran out of the milk chocolate at the 18th repeat. Had to improvise and maximize the vanilla strawberry to knit as large a shawl as possible. I came up with a row of eyelet, 4 rows of S, garter row, 4 more rows of S, and ending it by using a stretchy picot bind off (love youtube for learning something new) to make the shawl frilly. I have scraps of the vanilla strawberry yarn left!

Unblocked: 48 in x 22 in. Blocked: 62 in x 28 in. It’s really light and airy. The color combo is now looking more like the roof of a gingerbread house or a slice of cake than ice cream.

7/12: This handspun was in a bin on the floor at the back corner of their booth. It looked like Neopolitan ice cream and made me smile. I had to get this one of a kind handspun.

When I got home to wine it, I was delighted to find the what I am calling the milk chocolate was a separate skein from the vanilla strawberry orange sherbet (I’m very visual and food oriented). The chocolate weights about 90 g and the vanilla weights about 135 g.

Now to look for a pattern to compliment the two skeins and give me the look of one of my favorite ice creams while using up all of the two skeins. This pattern makes me smile as I knit. The shawl is looking like layers of black forest cake or the roof of a gingerbread house.

Macedo’s farm is located in Stevinson, CA and Maureen believes in no or using only natural dyes. She has an etsy site in case you can’t get out to the Central Valley or attend one of the shows/events Macedo’s attends.

viewed 201 times | helped 4 people
July 11, 2012
July 18, 2012
About this pattern
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  • Project created: July 12, 2012
  • Finished: July 18, 2012
  • Updated: October 28, 2013