Spring Fairy House
September 14, 2018
September 15, 2018

Spring Fairy House

Project info
Spring Fairy House by Allison Hoffman
Hooks & yarn

I absolutely LOVE this pattern. I did Margiefy it in a few places, so if you make it, you may want to do what I did, or you may not! But I wanted to share them with you.
1) The cap (red on mine) ends with 40 Stitches, and you’re supposed to fasten off, to sew to the stem later, But the stem begins with a chain 4 and then joining, and working your way down. So I just continued the stem directly onto the Cap. (Yay no sewing!)
2) At the bottom of the stem, you crochet into back loop only, then start your decreases, leaving the front
loop exposed with 48 stitches. The grass which is next, goes from 6, up to 84, with round 7 being 48 stitches, so (I know I know…I’m bad) I started with round 8 of grass on the front loops of the stem. (YAY no sewing again!)
3) When I make something that I really want to sit nicely, after I close up the bottom circle, I leave a long string, and whenever possible use my long needle and pull it up through the project , then pull a bit, it makes a small indentation on the bottom helping whatever I made sit much nicer. So on this little house I made a chimney, to cover where I securely knotted the string so the dent would stand secure.
4)The flame is just fluffy yarn, I did a chain of 6, then did ( sc, hdc, dc ) (dc, hdc, sc) in each stich back. Kind of the curly q idea. And it actually is stiff enough to stand!!
5) I didn’t like how the porch felt, kind of flimsy (my work not the pattern) so I decided to sew the door shut and stuff it. If you’re going to give it to a child to use, I would suggest using something a little stiffer or maybe making 2 peices to sew together for that to help. It wouldn’t have lasted long with playing the way I did it.
6) All the white spots, and the doorknob are from @glasseyesonline (safety eyes!)
7) The buttons (fairy, caterpillar) are buttons from @walmart , the company is @dressitupcrafts. I always buy cute buttons for ‘future’ use. :)
Yarn is @redheart other than the grass which is Bernat softy chunky. I wanted something thicker for the grass.

viewed 14 times
September 14, 2018
September 15, 2018
About this pattern
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  • Project created: September 15, 2018
  • Updated: September 15, 2018