Rabbit felted Baby Booties
October 29, 2015
November 7, 2015

Rabbit felted Baby Booties

Project info
Animal Friends Felt Baby Booties (CH22) by Lee Ann Bonson and Bev Galeskas
Feet / LegsBooties
baby Churry
Needles & yarn
120 yards
Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted
none left in stash
0.4 skeins = 76.0 yards (69.5 meters), 45 grams
Knitter's studio
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220® Heathers
1936 yards in stash
0.2 skeins = 44.0 yards (40.2 meters), 20 grams
Knit Culture Studio in Los Angeles, California
July 20, 2014

Drama after drama on this one! I ran out of yarn on the second one making the medium size. Then ripped them both out and made the small size. Then still ran out of yarn on my third outer ear. Aaaah! I’m now making the ears out of a darker grey handspun because I refuse to rip these booties out a second time.

My gauge isn’t super loose, so hope it still felts up okay. I’ll just handfelt them in the sink at home.

11/6: Finally felted these little jerks last night. It took about an hour and a half of me squishing soapy hot water through them to get to the right size. When they dry I’ll do the cuffs and embroidery.

I made pompoms out of the darker grey yarn to kind of tie it in together. I put the poms at the top of the back to cover up some wonkiness, but maybe they make more sense at the base of the bootie. I used all 6 strands of embroidery floss for the face. I kind of basted an outline of the nose, filled in the satin stitch then pulled out the outline.

viewed 36 times
October 29, 2015
November 7, 2015
About this pattern
99 projects, in 92 queues
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About this yarn
by Brown Sheep
85% Wool, 15% Mohair
190 yards / 113 grams

55495 projects

stashed 36105 times

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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
220 yards / 100 grams

88210 projects

stashed 46832 times

nodice's star rating
  • Project created: November 2, 2015
  • Updated: November 13, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates