8/20/22 update
Since I clearly never notated my fibonacci sequence/ pattern. Each count is only the RS garter stitch rows. WS rows do not count.
x CO
x 3 grey
x “0” brown (1 row on WS)
x 4 grey (20r)
x 1 teal
x 4 grey (30r)
x 2 brown
x 4 grey (42r)
x 3 teal
x 4 grey (56r)
x 5 brown
x 4 grey (74r)
x 8 teal
x 4 grey (98r)
13 brown
4 grey (132r)
21 teal
4 grey (182r)
13 brown
4 grey (216r)
8 teal
4 grey (240r)
5 brown
4 grey (258r)
3 teal
4 grey (272r)
2 brown
4 grey (284r)
1 teal
4 grey (294r)
“0” brown (1 row on WS)
3 grey
BO (306r)
128 grey
83 brown
90 teal
7/20/22 update - I found the blanket after hiding it away! Ironically enough, at my last update, I was 3 weeks pregnant with our little rainbow, Clara. She will be 2 in September and I need to work on this blanket to add it to her big girl bed once we update her room.

1/24/2020 update - we lost the baby in July at 9 weeks and I haven’t seen this blanket in months. Wish I could find it so I could finish it and gift it to someone with a new baby.
6/29/19 update - I need to pick this up again and finish it. I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant with our miracle baby. We never did adopt so this has been sitting dormant since 2013.
these calculations are no longer correct
completed = 108/ 180 = 60%
unstretched: 40” wide by 24” long
stretched 32” long*
I slightly modified my pattern rows to adjust for SM placement.
Row 1:
k1, YO, K6, (sl2 K1 p2sso), * K6, YO, K1, YO, K6, sl2 K1 p2sso * K6, YO, K1
Row 2:
k8 * P1; K15 * Repeat to last SM. P1, K8.
If you’re coming over from my blog, welcome!