Blümchenparade / Flower Parade (Testknit)
October 26, 2011
March 8, 2012

Blümchenparade / Flower Parade (Testknit)

Project info
40 (26 mondo point)
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
Zitron Trekking XXL
none left in stash
0.75 skeins = 344.3 yards (314.8 meters), 75 grams
Atelier Zitron in Wickede (Ruhr), Nordrhein-Westfalen


A well written pattern. My only problem was the socks turned out to loose for my feet. And I am not happy with my yarn decision. Still too many colors. Pattern calls for a solid yarn. This semi-solid still eats to much of the pattern.

Lobelia72’s test knit of this pattern is already part of the ravelry database.

Must have

I think it is essential for this pattern to read charts. Not only the written charts but to read the chart when it is already knit. Sometime I found a mistake and I only had to ravel a few stitches instead of two rows. But I really had to concentrate.


  1. Used my normal toe increases to get the best shape for my toes.
  2. The side part of the pattern repeats every 4 rounds. I skipped round 25 and followed the 4 repeat pattern.
  3. I did the cuff part with less stitches. Pattern only on the front part. Backwards I put a ribbing pattern. At least one part of my body seems to be slim ;-)
  4. I tried k2 p2 cuff. And decided to go back to k1 p1. 20 rows, then Jeny’s surprisingly stretchy bind off.
  5. I mirrored pattern for second sock. Yes, I am a little weird from time to time but I really like symmetry. I hated to chart the mirrored pattern at first but then I noticed it helped me to understand the pattern a little better.


2011-10-26 Finally started the test knit. When I got the pattern I was in Slovenia, then we returned and I couldn’t decide which yarn to use. I finished the Magrathea Shawl and now I’m looking forward to knitting my new socks.

2011-10-27 The first repeat of the leg pattern is done. Did I mention that it will be an autumn version of the Flower Parade? The color is a mix of brown, purple, orange. Semi Solid. I have to concentrate a little because US 1 (2.25 mm) is the smallest dpn-size I have and 60 stitches may be a little loose for me.

2011-10-29 Can’t install my printer. I switched to windows 7 and my printer seems to be far too old. It isn’t even mentioned on the manufacturers page. But I’m tired of knitting from my monitor.

2011-10-30 Lack of concentration. My daughter is sick. I had to knit back a few times.

2011-11-01 Starting the heel part. First of all I have to learn to wrap and turn. New photo is on its way. Not a really good one but the best I could do at the moment.

2012-01-04: Still waiting for an answer. I have to check my mails. Urgently.

2012-02-25: I did the heel and started the cuff. Not happy with the amount of stitches. I have to alter the pattern. If not the socks will end up too loose. Today I put the pattern in an excel sheet because I wasn’t able to knit from pdf. Sometimes everything goes wrong. My husband told me I chose the wrong colour. Thank you very much! I’m afraid he is right.

2012-03-08: Ready. This was the first pattern I stored on my smart phone. Thats why the mobile is part of one photo. Not satisfied with the photos. Without a model they are difficult to take.

viewed 73 times
October 26, 2011
March 8, 2012
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Zitron
Light Fingering
75% Wool, 25% Nylon
459 yards / 100 grams

28183 projects

stashed 19215 times

silke2world's star rating
  • Project created: October 27, 2011
  • Finished: March 8, 2012
  • Updated: May 25, 2022
  • Progress updates: 5 updates