TLM's Mi Escuelita
December 2012
no date set

TLM's Mi Escuelita

Project info
Mi Escuelita by Rosi Garmendia
The Little Madam (6 yrs old)
28 inch chest
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Naturally Yarns NZ Loyal 8ply/DK
7 skeins = 805.0 yards (736.1 meters), 350 grams
Knit World, Cuba St, Wellington

I loved the picture of this. TLM will have grown out of her current cardigan by next winter so I’m making her a new one.

I must’ve done the sleeve increases not quite right, because they don’t look very tidy. But TLM won’t mind…

Somehow I managed to have too many stitches by the time I got to the end of the yoke, but it looks okay on her so I’ll just go with it and make it work.

Also, she insisted on picking button before I’d made the buttonholes. first she picked some miniscule butterfly buttons but I thought they’d be too small. So we settled on some much larger daisy button…but they are far too big!

So I’m making only two buttonholes instead of 5 (or was it 6?), I’m making them way bigger, they’re vertical buttonholes instead of two-row buttonholes, and the buttonhole band is much wider.

20/1/2012 - I decided to change the collar because my daughter finds wool a bit scratchy next to her skin. Instead of a shawl collar, it’s a sort of roll collar - so it’ll stay nice and low and hopefully off her neck. All that’s left now is to sew on the buttons, but I’m saving that for later because it’s mid-summer right now and I just know she’ll want to wear it as soon as it’s finished.

8/3/2012 - I intended to put the big daisy button at the top and the smaller daisy button below. Only the top button hole was too small for the big daisy button, and though the smaller button could fit, it would have been a hassle for my daughter to do and undo.
Then I tried snaps but once sewn on, they looked a bit unstable.
So I ended up buying new, tomato-red buttons for the buttonholes - and used the daisy buttons as decoration on the cardigan front.

I’ll get my daughter to try it on soon, as I’m not sure whether the modified collar is enough to avoid irritating her neck.

viewed 10 times
December 2012
no date set
About this pattern
113 projects, in 260 queues
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About this yarn
by Naturally Yarns NZ
100% Wool
115 yards / 50 grams

2294 projects

stashed 1229 times

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  • Project created: January 10, 2012
  • Finished: March 7, 2012
  • Updated: April 1, 2012
  • Progress updates: 3 updates