Gloom Shroom
no date set
December 2023

Gloom Shroom

Project info
Gloom and Puff Shrooms by Olka Novytska
Hooks & yarn
3.0 mm

Didn’t have enough purple for the sticky out bits, so they’re made with a different dye lot. You can kinda tell if you look close, but it’s not noticeable enough to be a problem.

Had some issues with the parts where you crochet into the leftover front/back loops because it wasn’t always clear that you were crocheting into the previous row at the same time. This was especially confusing in row 9 of the “Nose” because the rows you work into have different stitch counts, and this isn’t acknowledged like it is earlier in the pattern.

viewed 3 times
no date set
December 2023
About this pattern
3 projects, in 21 queues
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  • Project created: November 8, 2023
  • Finished: December 9, 2023
  • Updated: December 30, 2023