Beate Fischer

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
In group Yarn Therapy Zone I asked for design ideas for stranded half-fingered gloves and PatchworkGirl‘s suggestion “sunflowers to support Ukraine” immediately made me think of the peace sign with a sunflower blossom in the middle, being built by growing stems and leaves.
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves, Chart
Inspired by typical selbu mittens I designed this pattern using shells instead of the traditional star motive.
Knitting: Mittens
Inspired by photos from Croatia with sea urchins I designed these stranded mittens.
Knitting: Mittens
‘The Gherkin’, 30St Mary Axe, London, here as a pattern for mittens. Inspired by BBC Sherlock, series 1, episode 2 “The blind banker”.
Knitting: Mittens
Pattern for main colour (MC) and one to three contrasting colours (CC)