Bettina Loehmann

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cardigan
DANISH pattern!
Knitting: Cardigan
ENGLISH pattern!
Knitting: Poncho
Short and sweet, just enough to chase away the chill.
Knitting: Poncho
En sød og iøjnefaldende poncho, der dækker det mest nødvendige! Dækker lige ned over albuerne, så armene stadig er fri!
Knitting: Brooch
Small, cute flower pins made to match your outfit, mood, precious shanked buttons…attach a new button every day, show off your beautiful heirloom buttons, make you kids happy by using their homemade buttons or….
Crochet: Shawl / Wrap
Easy and charming shawl which can be whipped up within a couple of days.
Crochet: Accessories - Other
My 6YO daughter needed a short lanyard for her MP3 player so I crocheted her one. :o)
Knitting: Electronics Cozy
I found that all the fuss with buttons, Velcro or other ways of closing a sock around my iPod Nano 2nd gen. would detract from the accessibility and the sleek Apple design which I like so much, so I wanted to design a sock which would fit tightly around the iPod without slipping off.