Leola Washington

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Doily
If you have Netflix and are a fan of the show Anne with an E, you’ve seen the beautiful hand crocheted lace bedspread featured in every episode. This hand crocheted lace motif is perfect for all different types of projects.
Crochet: Edging
Distressed denim shorts pattern Materials: 4 clear seed beads, 1 ball Aunt Lydia’s crochet thread (white), 1.5mm crochet hook, 1 spool white sewing thread, sewing needle, scissors, seam ripper.
Crochet: Afghan block
This easy granny square pattern has line by line instructions as well as a chart. Use this square for your next granny square blanket, crocheted shrug or crocheted jacket. Perfect for crocheted baby blankets. The yarn is super soft and this square only has 3 rounds so you can make a bunch very quickly. Enjoy, and visit my Etsy page for more of ...
Crochet: Shrug / Bolero
This crocheted shrug (black) is perfect for all occasions. Wear this black crocheted lace shrug to school, the office, your wedding, or out on the town. This Shrug measures 32 inches total length (from one elbow to the other). 14 inches wide. Perfect for weddings. Sleeves only are 6.25 inches long from Shoulder to elbow.
Knitting: Scarf
This pattern only uses 1 skein of yarn and you can make it in 1 day!