Desert Thread

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Great pattern for beginner knitters or if you are new to knitting in the round. Small and medium sizes use 1 ball of Knitcol, if making the larger size you will need an extra ball. Enjoy!
Knitting: Cup / Mug
This is the best present! The finished product keeps beverages cold or hot. We have included two sizes which accommodates most beverages. It is a great way to use up left over yarns…just make sure they are 100% wool —NO superwash! Lighter yellows and white sometimes take more time to felt than other colors so I usually avoid them. Two strands o...
Knitting: Gloves
I love liner gloves! These are a little thicker gauge and can be worn on most cold days. I have included 3 sizes. Sample is the small size knitted in Malabrigo, Arroyos, colorway Indiecita.
Crochet: Beanie, Toque
Crochet: Toy Food
Pattern uses Lily, Sugar ‘n Cream (one 2.5oz ball
Knitting: Hats - Other
There is nothing cuter than watching my little gnome run around the desert! This hat was originally designed to complete my son’s second Halloween costume. The pattern is very simple to knit. I have included child and adult sizes. Enjoy!
Knitting: Earflap Hat
Knitting: Bib
Yarn is doubled through out pattern.
Knitting: Earflap Hat