holynarf (Lindsay)

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Adipose belong to the BBC, so please do not sell items made from this pattern. (I don’t want anyone to get in trouble.)
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
This pattern was inspired by the character Kaylee’s reaction to strawberries in the TV show Firefly.
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Inspired by Sherlock.
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Batman is owned by DC, so please do not sell items made from this pattern. (I don’t want anyone to get in trouble.)
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Daleks are trademarked by the BBC so please do not sell items made with this pattern. (I don’t want anyone to get in trouble.)
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
The image that inspired this pattern is trademarked by the BBC, so please do not sell items made from this pattern. (I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.)
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Inspired by the weeping angles in Doctor Who
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Inspired by the 11th Doctor in Doctor Who
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Inspired by Rose in series one of Doctor Who
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
The Tardis belongs to the BBC, so please do not sell items made from this pattern. (I don’t want anyone to get in trouble.)
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
The TARDIS belongs to the BBC, so please do not sell items made from this pattern. (I don’t want anyone to get in trouble.)
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Because sometimes you just need to swear….
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
This pattern was a request from a Ravelry member.
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Because I frequently think “WTF” when I have to do dishes…
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Because sometimes you just need to swear…
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Because sometimes you just need to swear….
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
This dishcloth is a nod to Bobby Singer in the TV show Supernatural.