
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
A perfect project for brioche newbies- without raindrops it is a suitable for beginners, and with little and big raindrops it becomes interestimg enough for advanced knitters.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Hier ist eine ausführliche bebilderte Anleitung für das zweifarbige Patentstricken. Im ersten Teil gibt es eine allgemeine Beschreibung, im zweiten Teil ist die Anleitung für ein einfaches Dreieckstuch im zweifarbigen Patent.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
My sister and her familyy moved to Darwin a few months ago. The last week they were visiting us and I was really upset, so I had to cast on something new. In Darwin it is raining a lot, so I created some raindrops to always remind me .
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Wellen ( waves) is a very classic triangular shawl with a nice Icord.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Zipfelbauch is a very big shawl( 28” x 51”), with an interesting construction : beginning at the middle, knitted in the round, and then the triangles are added. But completely seamless
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Kleeblatt (clover) is a rectangular shawl with little ruffles, which can easily be adjusted in length and worked with every yarn. There are lots of possibilities to change its size, to create a little one for a child, a huge one for yourself and all other family members, with an one color stripe or with as many as possible. The pattern gives ex...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Zipfel is an easy brioche shawl, which is created for any yarn weight, any gauge and any size. Knitting this wrap will be smooth sailing, but its subtle beautiness reveals after blocking.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
One evening after knitting this shawl the whole day, my little daughter went to bed and I wanted to sing a lullaby as always. But with my mind full of knitting and brioche, I accidentally sang to her “ Die Blümelein, sie schlafen”, a lullaby set by Brahms, instead of our daily lullaby. She loved it, and since that evening I have been singing th...
Knitting: Cardigan
Am meisten Spaß macht doch eine Jacke, die man in Runden stricken kann! Durch einen Steek ist das ganz einfach möglich. Dafür sollte man aber auf Garn achten, dass gut ‘hakt’ also eher Wollqualitäten als glatte Baumwolle. Ich habe auch einen Link eingefügt, um das Steeken ganz einfach zu machen.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Schachbrett ( chess board) is an easy top down shawl, with simple brioche stitches and therefore easy enough for beginners but still interesting enough.