Kirsti Rogne

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This is a fairly simple lace shawl/throw, that looks very pretty on both sides. It’s one size, but the pattern has instructions on how to modify length and width should you like to do so.
Knitting: Pullover
It looks so simple, so why fancy? In and of itself this sweater is as close to an everyday staple as you’ll ever get. However, it’s so light and delicate that it dresses up nicely. Wear it with proper pants or a skirt and you’ll look fabulous. Wear it with leggings or sweats and you’ll also feel fabulous :)
Knitting: Baby Blanket
This is so simple, it’s almost not a pattern. However, so many people have asked me how I make this blanket (probably because I’ve made so many of them over the years) that I thought I might as well release it as a pattern.
Knitting: Pullover
What makes the comfy sweater so comfortable?