Missy Angus

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Wednesday April 15 and Thursday April 16 in the calendar
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
An excellent scarf or dishcloth pattern! Dishcloths that comes out square and lay flat - scarves that look great or male or female - an excellent pattern for making gift-giving scarves! Both sides are beautiful, so this makes a great reversible pattern. The stitch pattern is a multiple of 3 +1 - so cast on any amount you want and get the same g...
Knitting: Scarf
An excellent scarf or dishcloth pattern! Dishcloths that comes out square and lay flat - scarves that look great or male or female - an excellent pattern for making gift-giving scarves! Both sides are beautiful, so this makes a great reversible pattern. The stitch pattern is a multiple of 3 +1 - so cast on any amount you want and get the same g...
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Updated 09/21/11. PDF download now available with modifications for MyJewelThief’s color block version.