Nette Compton

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This hat is probably the first time my fiancé and I have worked out a standard knitting conundrum: something that is both interesting to knit for me, and something he would actually wear. He actually picked out the colors for this hat, and had a good sense of what he wanted. I tried to suppress my urges to jazz things up too much and actually l...
Knitting: Mittens
These mitts were designed as part of my goal of knitting a totally organic-made-in-America clothing item for everyone in my family. Made for my little sister, they were born at a Andrew Bird/Radiohead concert I went to with her. The lining yarn was picked out the following day at the Union Square Farmers Market.
Knitting: Scarf
A good way of learning cabling- the different colors actually make things easier, as you can keep track of where all of your stitches are going by their color…
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Simple Swirl hat pattern I wrote a while ago to go along with the
Knitting: Cardigan
This pattern provides all of the info to make this sweater for an 8 month old, as well as graphics and notes to allow you to calculate the exact size for your own lucky sweater recipient. I’ve formatted the pattern this way, as I find babies come in all sizes and shapes, and generally don’t conform to age anyway. I hope this is a better way for...
Knitting: Tote
The purse is based off of Hello Yarn’s Lopi Tote:
Knitting: Cardigan
Adapted from Laura Chau Cavern Cardigan
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Knitting: Earflap Hat
The pattern is not written, but rather it is shown as a grid with notes. It can be printed on 11x17 paper. Please let me know if you have questions!
Knitting: Legwarmers
The attached pdf is a chart of the fair isle work. Gauge isn’t terribly important, and the button panel at the top is optional. Sorry this pattern isn’t too detailed, but if you’ve worked fair isle before, its not too hard…
Knitting: Beanie, Toque