Hazel Wadeson

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Hat patterns based on slipped stitches are some of my favourites – you only need to use one colour per row and they look great for only a small amount of effort. The colour pattern on this hat is reminiscent of waveforms and is a great way to use up your yarn scraps in the contrast colour sections – it also showcases variegated yarns beautifull...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
I love broken rib patterns for their waffle-like texture, and for the restful break provided by rounds of plain knit. Playing around with a 2x1 rib led me to this lovely textured pattern, which just seems to skip merrily along. The resulting hat is warm and stretchy, with bands of snuggly texture.
Knitting: Doll
When the winter cold sets in and all the little animals start hibernating, that’s when the Watchlings start their vigil. They make sure everyone stays cosy in their burrow, their food stores stay safe and the spring plants don’t sprout too soon. Why not knit some to keep an eye on things for you this winter?