Rachel Theall

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cowl, Hats - Other
Knitting: Cowl
Gather 5 (no, 3) colors of yarn and mix them up to create a striped cowl that is flashy and fun. During the process you will figure out which colors look best when put out front for everyone to see and which ones are better left in the back banging on coconuts. You may not make it to Camelot, but you will look good during the journey!
Knitting: Scarf
Choose two of your favorite high contrast yarns yarns in any weight to get started on this fun scarf pattern designed for my youngest son. He was so excited to pick his own colors and to help design the scarf. He chose aran weight yarn for a very squishy scarf that is about 6 inches wide when knit 21 stitches across.