Robin Wiest

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Craft - Other
Sock Jock Definition:
Knitting: Washcloth / Dishcloth
All kinds of “recipes” for a “Grandma’s Dishcloth” have been jotted down and passed around for ages. Years ago, I was shown a trick of adding a two stitch short row on the two decrease corners. In my opinion, it aids the gentle turn of those corners, making them sharper and helps the dishcloth to remain square.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Sprig Of Hope is a crescent shaped shawl that starts out with a step by step garter tab cast on that grows into a Trellis Lace Inset and ends with the Sprig Lace Border. This shawl is a very friendly pattern suited for those new to shawl knitting, while remaining appealing to the more experienced knitter. The end product of this pattern is a ni...