Sandra Wollin

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Bedspread
Illusion Knitting has no specific gauge. It is determined by the choice of yarn, needles and tension of the knitter.
Knitting: Baby Blanket
This is done with a soft, medium weight worsted and can have a very slight “fuzz” to it. It will not work well in angora or any other very “fuzzy” yarn.
Knitting: Bedspread
Illusion Knitting gauge varies according to your choice of yarn and needles.
Knitting: Tote
What is Illusion Knitting you may ask??? The design acts as a hologram. Now you see it… Now you don’t! It’s as if by magic!!! Look at it one way and all you see are stripes, but look at it again and as if by magic the design is visable.
Knitting: Coat / Jacket
This baby jacket can easily be made larger or smaller at the knitters discression.
Knitting: Wall Hanging
Illusion Knitting gauge is determined by the choice of yarn, needle and tension the individual knitter choose.