Stitchlogue by Calista Yoo

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cardigan, Coat / Jacket
This is a hand knitting version of Yarn Bomber Jacket pattern. (You can find the machine knitting version here)
Knitting: Cardigan, Coat / Jacket
This is a machine knitting pattern (You can find the hand knitting version here) designed for a 9mm bulky knitting machine originally, but my test knitter painter1510 was able to knit hers using a mid gauge machine, LK100. I used my SK155+SR155 machines to knit the sample.
Knitting: Pullover
This is a pattern for an Estonian lace inspired tunic, knitted from top to bottom.
Knitting: Cardigan
This is an upgraded version of Leafy Cardi featured on Yarn Forward Magazine Vol. 17. It was substantially revised for a better fit and better finishing, and the collar is changed to be detachable.
Knitting: Coat / Jacket
This design is a snug fitting long sleeve jacket. It is simple and sophisticated, but not boring.
Knitting: Cape
This pattern includes 3 different variations of bulky weight capes.
Knitting: Sleeveless Top
UPDATE on APRIL 6, 2011: This pattern is re-edited to make the instruction to be easier and more clear to read and follow. Also it is uploaded on Ravelry database. It means that it’s now immediately downloadable! :D (See preview page of new edition on the left side)
Knitting: Pullover
This design is a snug fitting 3/4 sleeve pullover with crocheted flowers.