Tatyana Tchibova

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Scarf
This is a fun striped scarf with pockets and optional pom poms. The body of the scarf is knitted first then the stitches at both ends are picked up and the pockets are knitted. The side of the pockets are seamed together with the scarf and the optional pom poms are attached.
Knitting: Purse / Handbag
This purse can be made with a variety of yarns, thicker or thinner. It will change the gauge respectively. Most knitters that I know made this, used Aran weight. The colors need to have some contrast to show the pattern. I recommend to use one solid and one variegated color for added interest.
Knitting: Sleeveless Top
This pattern is written for a lacy version and a stockinette stitch version. Both are worked with the same gauge. Currently, I am working on a lighter version of this top in sport weight yarn. It will be posted soon.