Anna Novitzky

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Headband
Erratum: In the original version, row 5 of the written instructions contained an SSSK where there should have been an SSK. This mistake has been corrected in the current PDF (marked Sept 2012).
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
An elegant semi-circular shawl in variegated teal, knitted from the centre-neck edge outwards. A star-textured centre section fans out into fir-cone lace, finishing with a geometric eyelet-based lace edging ornamented with nupps. Designed for Rachel on the occasion of her wedding.
Knitting: Purse / Handbag
This pattern is written for intarsia in the round; instructions and a link to a tutorial are given. However, it can easily be knitted flat and seamed.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Lace stole can be made in cobweb or lace weight yarn, in beaded or nupp versions. Gauge is not critical, and depends on the yarn used. For symmetry, the stole is knitted in two parts and grafted in the centre.
Knitting: Chart
A simple two-colour chart of a unicorn rampant.
Crochet: Doll
From the blog:
Crochet: Animal Toy
From the pattern description: