Merino Nylon Fingering from Rolling E Ranch

Merino Nylon Fingering

from Rolling E Ranch
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
462 yards
(422 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
7.0 to 8.0 sts
= 1 inch
US 1 - 3 or 2.25 - 3.25mm
75% Wool - Merino
25% Manufactured Fibers - Nylon / Polyamide
Care: Superwash
Color: Semi-solid
Dye: Hand dyed
Ply: 2-ply

A nice soft Superwash Merino yarn with just the right amount of Nylon for extra durability and elasticity which is perfect for soft gorgeous socks, shawls, scarves and anything else you can imagine.