Dana Freed Fiddes

Dana Freed Fiddes

My username is Dana Freed Fiddes and my website is welldoneexperience.com

I’ve been knitting, crocheting, and beading pretty much since I can remember. I’m the cliche of the girl who didn’t want to have a boring job that forced me to work on the projects I loved just on nights and weekends, so I made crafting my career.

I wear many hats as a teacher, designer and maker. In 2006 my mom and I launched: The Well Done Experience, through which we’ve taught bead crochet and sold DIY kits all over the world. Our book, Bead Crochet Jewelry: An Inspired Journey Through 27 Designs can be found here online and in bookstores everywhere.

When I’m not teaching bead crochet workshops with my mom, I can be found shopping at Knitty City, and teaching (and shopping) at Annie and Co.

original designs