Debbi Stone

Debbi Stone

My name is Debbi Stone and I am the heart and soul behind The Stitches of My Life Designs. I learned to knit at an early age from my grandmother and have been passionately knitting ever since. In 2007 I pushed go on my blog, Goddess Knitters, where I chronicle my family life and my knitting life. In 2011 I released my first pattern and down the rabbit hole I went!
My designs are inspired by people, places and things in my life. You might say that I’m a noun girl.
Because I’m a t-shirt and jeans kind of person I love being able to take a basic wardrobe and add accessories to it to make the basic fun, funky and my own.

I also have designs that I have done with my friend Marcy Vandale. Our label there is Adventure Du Jour Designs and you can see all of those designs here.

I hope you enjoy my designs!

Questions? You can email me at

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