Hanna Maciejewska

Hanna Maciejewska

My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was a little girl. I knitted sweaters all the time in highschool and university — all my own creations — but only a few years ago I realized that knitting and designing knitwear is truly my biggest passion. Since there are countless new ideas in my head at any given time, I prefers to construct my garments and accessories as smartly and seamlessly as possible to save time on finishing and move on to the next idea.

I am a proud mother of a beautiful girl who sometimes draws things for me to knit and married to a wonderful man who hand-dyes yarn - DyeDyeDone - and is always there when I need him.


If you purchase 5 self-published patterns from my Ravelry Store at the same time (place them all in your cart before checking out), you will automatically receive the least expensive for free!

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