Kim Brody Salazar

Kim Brody Salazar

I’ve been active in on-line knitting groups since the Internet first crawled from the primordial ARPANET sea. I ran for 12+ years, offering up independent, non-sponsored, crowdsourced yarn reviews and knitting advice, but packed that in recently.

I’ve dabbled in design, and have had some patterns published in KnitNet, and by Schaeffer Yarns and Classic Elite. But that put the deadline into my escape world, so now I release my stuff for free on String-or-Nothing.

I also do a lot of research on historical embroidery, especially the counted styles of the early 1500s-late 1600s, and am the author of The New Carolingian Modelbook. I’m currently working on a sequel, and hope to publish it this year. String-or-Nothing documents lots of my stitching in addition to knitting.

original designs