Kirsten Kapur
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Andrea's Mitts Through The Loops December 2009 214 2766
Amalgamation Through The Loops July 2017 59 2691
Germinate aka TTL Mystery Shawl 2013 Through The Loops June 2013 383 2632
Snow Drops & Snap Peas Shawl Through The Loops September 2010 110 2614
Ampersand Kirsten Kapur Designs 2007 715 2499
Lispenard Through The Loops February 2012 85 2480
Acer Kirsten Kapur Designs December 2008 177 2464
Unsinkable Through The Loops April 2012 122 2363
Rivington Cowl Through The Loops April 2013 185 2347
Seastripes Through The Loops September 2015 67 2277
Abingdon Through The Loops November 2014 67 2224
Moody Kerchief Through The Loops November 2010 307 2191
Roma Shawl Through The Loops April 2015 136 2183
Boxes and Towers Through The Loops August 2019 79 2169
Beach Street Park Through The Loops April 2013 31 2150
Reynard Socks Through The Loops February 2014 78 2098
Lisa's and Katie's Berets Through The Loops December 2008 294 2080
Fractured Light (Hat) Knitty, Deep Fall 2012 November 2012 264 2066
Islington Shawl Through The Loops September 2015 95 2043
New Castle Road Through The Loops May 2020 22 2034
Hello, Hello! Through The Loops August 2016 41 1998
Cerasifera Through The Loops June 2011 80 1961
Bond Street Through The Loops August 2014 76 1960
Thistle Rambles Through The Loops June 2016 358 1931
Ulmus Rectangle Through The Loops September 2009 196 1931