Linda Potts
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Electrode WolfDreamer off the Hook April 2009 15 266
Pachirisu WolfDreamer off the Hook April 2009 21 449
Plusle and Minun WolfDreamer off the Hook April 2009 15 342
Voltorb WolfDreamer off the Hook April 2009 18 200
Jigglypuff WolfDreamer off the Hook March 2009 171 1764
Poliwhirl with Pattern WolfDreamer off the Hook March 2009 5 243
Aipom Plushie WolfDreamer off the Hook 13 207
Ampharos WolfDreamer off the Hook 54 878
Badtz Maru Plushie WolfDreamer off the Hook 15 353
Bayleef WolfDreamer off the Hook 24 947
Charmander Plushie WolfDreamer off the Hook 92 660
Cyndaquil Crochet Plushie WolfDreamer off the Hook 167 3093
Despicable Minion WolfDreamer off the Hook 533 3699
Emolga WolfDreamer off the Hook 4 236
Fireflower WolfDreamer off the Hook 118 3097
Horsea Plushie WolfDreamer off the Hook 33 1001
King Boo WolfDreamer off the Hook 91 963
Kowalski - POM WolfDreamer off the Hook 19 452
Lugia WolfDreamer off the Hook 72 1266
Luigi WolfDreamer off the Hook 195 2864
Mario Mushroom WolfDreamer off the Hook 1208 11309
Meowth Plushie WolfDreamer off the Hook 24 1164
Pichu Plushie WolfDreamer off the Hook 83 1073
PIKACHU PLUSHIE PATTERN WolfDreamer off the Hook 245 1268
Pokeball WolfDreamer off the Hook 546 3220