Theresa Schabes

Theresa Schabes

Follow me on Instagram: theresaschabes

Like many of you, I am a mom, a wife, an employee, a community volunteer and a knitter, although not necessarily in that order.

Back in the mid-2000’s I started publishing my designs in magazines such as Interweave Knits, Knitter’s, Vogue Knitting and Noro. I’ve also been included in several books, including the cover design of Knit Noro.

Recently I started self-publishing patterns. While the initial patterns have been more challenging (reflecting the classes I teach), I am adding simpler patterns, and also hope to add some garments soon.

My blog, Woolly-Wits, focuses on finding designs to flatter any figure, but especially those that stray widely from the super-model-esque.

In the Spring of 2017 I’ll be teaching at several venues in Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota. Look to my blog for details.

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