Workshop: Fabric Patterning

Workshop: Fabric Patterning

Class or other education
July 31, 2010 @ 9:00 AM
  • FibreCraft House
  • 12 Payne Street, Auchenflower
  • Brisbane, Queensland
  • Australia

Learn how to put a pattern on fabric using procion MX dyes, paints and pigments. Using everyday objects and simple methods, learn stamping, rubbing, printing and other ways of patterning fabric.

Materials fee $20 will include all dyes, paints, pigments and chemicals needed and the use of the tutor’s materials.

• Fabric – cotton, rayon, linen, silk (no polyester, nylon or wool) You will need 2 – 4 metres, can use old cotton sheets . Fabric must be prepared for dyeing (PFD) by washing with a little gentle detergent – synthrapol/dishwashing liquid plus soda ash/washing soda (do NOT use laundry detergent). It can be done in the washing machine. Test fabric with a drop of water onto the dry fabric – if it soaks in the fabric is OK, if it sits on the surface it needs washing. Can bring some previously dyed or commercially printed fabric as long as it is pale colours.
• Latex gloves
• Plastic bags
• Sheet of plastic and old sheeting for table top
• Old newspapers
• 2 old towels
• bucket, ice cream containers and small plastic (eg. Yoghurt) containers for dyes
• plastic spoons
• brushes 2-5 cm, foam is OK
• brayer – if you have one or are willing to buy one (at art shops) – not essential
• flat object for sun dyeing – eg. buttons, washers, lids, leaves, feathers etc
• any household object which will make a pattern eg. bubble wrap, potato masher, netting from veg. bags, shells etc. DON’T buy anything as I will bring a selection.
• Protective clothing – apron or old shirt
• Scissors
• Notebook and pencil for note taking
• Hairdryer to share
Please check this list 2 weeks prior to class – as it may change!!

Please note that the price for all QSWFA Workshops is now $60 members and $80 non-members per day.

For any queries regarding workshops please contact Phillipa Rooke
Ph 3369 2003 | Email :

Enrolment forms are available from

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  • Page created: February 1, 2010
  • Last updated: February 1, 2010