Workshop: Felting - Batts into Bags

Workshop: Felting - Batts into Bags

Class or other education
November 21, 2010 @ 9:00 AM
  • FibreCraft House
  • 12 Payne Street, Auchenflower
  • Brisbane, Queensland
  • Australia

Learn how to cut down on the time to make a large strong sculptured felt bag or sculptured form without all the usual laying out of wool tops. We will use Bennett & Gregor Corriedale prepared wool batts in natural colours as our starting point. Participants may choose their own shape for the bag, and build whatever surface design they choose.

  • 1m x 1m bubble wrap
  • 1m broomstick sized dowel or 1m larger agricultural pipe
  • several old towels
  • scissors
  • pen and paper
  • variety of coloured wool tops and/or pre-felts for surface decoration
  • a felting tool if you have one
  • I will have available 1m x 1.2m Corriedale wool batts as supplied by Bennett & Gregor in a variety of natural colours. Prices range from $13 - $20. You may of course supply your own Bennett & Gregor batts.
  • I will have resist material available. It will be approx $6 if you wish to keep it.

Please contact me on 3369 2003 if you have any queries or are unable to get any of the requirements. Thanks, Phillipa Rooke

About your Tutor - Phillipa Rooke

Phillipa Rooke is a feltmaker from Brisbane, whose primary focus is on hand-dyeing fine fabrics, wool and silk fibre, and threads for the making of nuno, or lightweight, felt often used for garments.
Phillipa has been teaching feltmaking for the past 20 years.
Phillipa first started felting in 1982. Since then she has taught and exhibited extensively, and been instrumental in setting up two felting groups. Phillipa teaches classes for Flying Arts, high schools, TAFTA Forums, small studio groups, and private classes at home and away.
Her current practice reflects her passion for fine felts with fabrics and includes an exploration of the appropriate use of coarser wool breeds.

Please note that the price for all QSWFA Workshops is now $60 members and $80 non-members per day.

For any queries regarding workshops please contact Phillipa Rooke
Ph 3369 2003 | Email :

Enrolment forms are available from

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  • Page created: February 1, 2010
  • Last updated: February 1, 2010