Bouquet Rah-Rah Romper Suit by Caroline Richards

Bouquet Rah-Rah Romper Suit

March 2020
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 4 - 3.5 mm
604 - 700 yards (552 - 640 m)
0-3 month old baby or 16 - 22" reborn doll
This pattern is available for £4.90 GBP buy it now

This beautiful romper set is knitted from the top down on single-pointed needles. The simple memorable stitch pattern makes this set easy to knit and ideal for knitting whilst watching TV.
The size depends on the yarn and needle sizes used as listed below

21-22” Doll / 0-3m Baby
3.25mm needles (smaller)
4mm needles (Larger)
200grms Double knit Wool

19-20” Doll/New-born baby
3mm needles (smaller)
3.75mm needles (Larger)
150grms Double knit Wool

16-18” Doll / Small New-born
2.75mm needles (Smaller)
3.25mm needles (Larger)
120grms 4-ply wool